Renowned car dealer Joseph Kairu Wambui, also known as Khalif Kairo, appeared before the Milimani Law Courts on Monday, facing charges of defrauding two clients of Ksh.2.1 million and Ksh.2.9 million, respectively.
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Court documents reveal that Kairo allegedly defrauded Jeff Kyule Munane between July 10 and July 29, 2024, in Westlands, Nairobi. Through his company, Kai & Karo Limited, Kairo reportedly collected Ksh.2,145,150 under the pretense of importing a Honda Vezel Hybrid from Japan, which was never delivered.
In a separate incident, Kairo is accused of swindling Ksh.2.9 million from Dona Ayalo Okoth, falsely claiming he could facilitate the importation of a Subaru Outback. Despite full payment made in July 2024, the car has yet to be delivered.
The prosecution, represented by investigating officer Esther Mburu, opposed bail, arguing that Kairo poses a significant flight risk. In an affidavit, Mburu stated that granting bail could compromise the judicial process, alleging that Kairo’s actions show a consistent pattern of fraud.
The court also heard that Kairo was arrested on January 11, 2025, and has remained in custody since then. Prosecutors further claimed that Kairo has the resources and capability to evade justice if released, citing his alleged history of fraudulent activities.