On Tuesday, February 14, 2022, Senator Gloria Orwoba was ejected from the Senate following indecency clothing. Her ejection led to a set of dramatic events outside the parliament.

The UDA Senator made her way to the Senate, wearing an all-white suit. However, the pant was pink-stained. Gloria's outfit was all bold-colored since she also had a green blouse that complemented the white blazer and pants. Her entrance created a moment of rarity.


Her walk-in was allegedly termed as an illustration of the suffering girls and women go through during their monthly cycle. She walked to the Parliamentary grounds wearing white suit pants which were stained. 

Unfortunately, her appearance led the senate speaker to decide to expel her. Gloria has described the speaker's decision to expel her from the legislative buildings as sad.

The senator protested what she deemed an unfair firing outside of parliament. She stated that the stains on her pants might have come from the fact that she was now having her period.

She lamented having been kicked out because she was on her period days. She called the occurrence regrettable and said it stigmatized women and girls who constantly experience a lot during their periods.


"This is the kind of stigma girls and women are having out there, to the extent that they actually kill themselves. The stigma starts from not accepting a very natural thing like having your periods," she lamented.

In response to the expulsion, through social media, the Senate stated that Gloria was displaying women's struggles due to a scarcity of sanitary pads.

The senator, a first-time lawmaker, reportedly illustrated what women in the nation go through during menstruation because most of them cannot afford pads.

Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba has proposed free sanitary towels to eradicate period poverty. 

Additionally, Ms Orwoba referred to the criticism she received from her House colleagues as "period stigma," which she claims affects many young women in the nation.