A man accused of defiling a Standard eight girl from a private school in Kibera has been jailed for 16 years.

He is also accused of forging the academic papers that secured him a job as a teacher at the school he defiled the girl.

The accused also gave him 14 days to appeal the verdict.

Silas Omoro was sentenced by Kibera senior principal magistrate Esther Boke, who described him as a sex pest that needed to be uprooted from society.

“The accused person presented fake papers to secure his job and defiled his own pupil, this means that he is a dangerous person who needs to be kept away from society,” she said.

The court heard that Okwaro impregnated the 16-year-old girl after defiling her on various occasions, with a probation report showing that the accused person was not remorseful

Further, he had been accused of defiling PQ on diverse dates between June 2021 and October 2021 at the private school in the Kibera sub-county within Nairobi county.

He was also charged with the second count of committing an indecent act with a child contrary to the Sexual Offences Act.

Prosecutor Nancy Kerubo has urged the court not to give the accused a lenient sentence, saying that the offence was barbaric.

PQ while testifying in court, said that the accused asked her to be his girlfriend, and she gave in.

“Teacher Okwaro requested me to be his girlfriend, and I agreed. When I was in class, he forced me to have sex with him,” she told the court.

Court also heard how the accused defiled her after she visited him to pick up her robot radio.

“One day I went to his house to pick up my robot radio, and when I arrived, he told me to relax as it was raining. He then told me to go to his bedroom so that I could see his bed, it was then that he defiled me," she told the court.

Further, she said that after the incident, she was bleeding, so she went back home and took a shower.

 In addition PQ said that days after the incident, she missed her periods. Later, her mother took her to the hospital, and it was discovered that she was five-month pregnant.

The matter was reported to the police, and the accused was arrested.