Azimio La Umoja coalition leader Raila Odinga says that the fight for electoral reforms in the country is not over, adding that he will not accept a handshake with Ruto.

In an interview with KTN news, the ODM party leader accused the former IEBC chair Wafula Chebukati of colluding with individuals to rig the 2022 presidential elections. This is despite the former IEBC chair saying that the last elections were the most credible he has ever conducted.


In the interview, the former prime mister dismissed claims that he was seeking a nusu mkate from the ruto administration, saying he would not accept. He defended the handshake he had with former president uhuru kenyatta, saying that he did that to reform the country's economy.

Raila Odinga gave three conditions that must be met by the kenya kwanza regime if he were to hold any talks with president William ruto. The first demand is that the IEBC servers, raila claims that his votes were stolen in favour of ruto and that he won the elections by over 2 million votes.


The second demand is that he wants the head of state to stop recruiting new IEBC officials. Ruto declared vacancies in the IEBC after chebukati left and the removal of the four IEBC commissioners, famously known as the cherera 4. raila is standing behind the four commissioners saying that they did nothing wrong. the four commissioners opposed rutos election, terming the results opaque. Three of the commissioners have resigned.

The fourth demand is that the kenya kwanza administration must lower the cost of living. He criticised ruto for removing subsidies that cushioned Kenyans from the ongoing global economic crisis.

President Ruto said that subsidies did more harm than good to the economy. Economist David Ndii supported Rutos's move saying that Kenya's economy was on the verge of collapsing before the kenya kwanza regime took over the country.