President William Ruto says that gas prices will go down as his government plans to remove taxes on gas imports.

Speaking during the re-launch of the Women Enterprise Fund, the head of state said removing taxes on the import of gas will make the prices drop from the current ksh 2800 for the 12kg to ksh 500 shillings for the smaller cooking gas cylinder will drop to ksh 300.


“Ili tupunguze gharama ya gesi tumesema tunaondoa ushuru na ya pili, ule mtungi mnanunua, kuanzia mwezi wa sita huo mtungi utapunguzwa bei kutoka Ksh.2800 mpaka Ksh.500 ama Ksh.300” - President William Ruto

Because I care for you, Hustlers.

Cooking gas prices have caused a stir in the country recently due to its high prices. Last week during the launch of taifa gas, president ruto said that Every person filling gas would be registered and licensed by the government of Kenya to eliminate cartels in the LPG sector.

Speaking during the launch of the taifa gas, Ruto said that eliminating wood fuel will help the country conserve its environment.

PHOTO | COURTESY President Ruto

"Kila nyumba katika taifa la Kenya kitakuwa na mtungi wa gas na tutahakikisha kuwa bei ya gas itapungua kwa sababu tutaondoa pia ile kodi yote imewekwa kwa mambo ya gas. So that we make sure every household in the republic of Kenya has access to gas for cooking, and we can eliminate the use of wood fuel, eliminate the challenges of health and also restore our environment by reducing the number of trees that are being cut for purposes of wood fuel," he said