Since 18.26% of Kenyan children under five are stunted, undernutrition prevents them from achieving their full potential and from growing and developing typically.

President Ruto urged pertinent partners and stakeholders to "join in this noble endeavour and speed our path to full social protection cover in Kenya," President Ruto urged relevant stakeholders and partners.

The Social Protection Support, Cash Transfer Program, includes Inua Jamii, which assists older adults, orphans, vulnerable children, and those with severe disabilities.

The measure that has quickly passed through Uganda's Parliament, according to EFF national spokeswoman Sinawo Thambo, is "inhumane."

The EFF once again condemns the cruel Anti-Homosexuality Law that the Ugandan parliament adopted on March 21, 2023. Essentially, the Ugandan parliament has legitimized racism, according to Thambo.

The fiery Malema has additionally encouraged the Ugandan government to reconsider this choice.

You cannot advocate for hate while instigating the Ugandan government that you disagree with it. Hate has us as its victims. "This law enacted in Uganda is going to be an act of hate," he added. "We were discriminated against based on our identity, and as a result, so many people were slain.

The White House claimed in a statement delivered by Karine Jean-Pierre, the press secretary for the House, that the Ugandan law was one of the most draconian anti-LGBTQI+ laws among the international organizations that have condemned it. Human rights apply to everyone. Nobody ought to be harassed, detained, or killed only for who they are or whom they love.