Musalia Mudavadi, Prime Cabinet Secretary, has warned the Azimio la Umoja alliance from resuming its weekly protests, which they have declared will occur after the Holy Month of Ramadan concludes.

PHOTO | COURTESY Musalia Mudavadi

Mudavadi described Raila's and his forces' actions as a recipe for turmoil and instability, which might plunge the nation into political uncertainty.

While visiting the Coast Muslim community led by EALA MP Hassan Omar for an Iftar dinner, Mudavadi advised lawmakers to avoid dragging the country back into the dark days of post-election violence that characterized 2007/2008.

He claims he wants to tell Azimio not to try to bring the ICC back to Kenya. He claimed that they are agitating Kenyans, attempting to generate unrest and a spark that will lead to interruptions in routine. Mudavadi claimed President Ruto and many Kenyans had exercised restraint to keep the country peaceful.

According to the Prime Cabinet Secretary, leaders should not ruin the country. He noted the opposition's move and bad intention to seek meetings like the Koffi Annan Serena talks is futile.

Mudavadi said that Azimio's demands are neither honest nor realistic but rather a diversionary effort to derail Kenya Kwanza's strategy to work for kenyans

PHOTO | COURTESY Musalia Mudavadi

Mudavadi went on to ask the opposition why they were playing Kenyans for fools by asking for the servers to be opened, noting that the courts ordered for them to be made public, and the Registrar of the Supreme Court led the operation under the supervision of Lawyers from both, the Kenya Kwanza side and the azimio coalition. He then asked the azimio coalition what else they wanted.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary went on to say that kenyans cannot be overtaxed and that they need to breathe. He asked the azimio leader if he planned to compensate those who lost properties during the demonstrations.

He concluded by telling us to keep our eyes on the ball. The ball is how to turn our economy around to work for all Kenyans, particularly those at the bottom of our economic pyramid.