In a dispute over a parcel of property measuring half an acre at Kwa Tom village in Subukia Constituency, Lands Chief Administrative Secretary Kimani Ngunjiri shot and injured a man. The incident is being investigated by Nakuru police.

After the CAS pointed his gun at Ngunjiri and shot a guy, the altercation between Ngunjiri and a 60-year-old woman turned violent. Kimani allegedly organized a party to invade Susan Murugi's farm early on Monday morning.

“Ngunjiri alikuja saa kumi na mbili asubuhi nilikuwa pale kwa ng'ombe nikaona wameanza kubomoa, ndio nikateremka, nikaona amenioneshea risasi. Sikuogopa, nikamwambia nipige risasi, hakunipiga, aligeukia watoto wangu,” said Murugi.

Murugi's daughter was hurt during the altercation as she attempted to step in.

PHOTO | COURTESY Kimani Ngunjiri

“Wakati aliona hakupiga mtu na risasi alichukua mti na kugonga huyu msichana wangu wah! Nikamuuliza tangu lini mheshimiwa utaendelea kunisumbua… Mwaka huo mwingine ulikuja kwa shamba langu ukalima shamba, ukanipeleka kortini,” Said elderly woman.

The screams of his mother and sister drew the attention of Murugi's son, who dashed in brandishing an axe. When Kimani fired his gun, Ngunjiri's security attempted to calm him down while keeping them apart. The gunshot struck a bystander.

“Mimi hata nilikuwa napita tu, sina shamba huku, nilikuwa nimekuja kutafuta riziki, mimi ni hustler tu,” said Lucas Onyango.

Ngunjiri, the recently resigned MP for Bahati, claims that his actions were necessary because he was defending himself.

According to reports, Ngunjiri and Murugi have been at odds over the same piece of land for years.

The former MP turned over his gun to the police, who claim an inquiry has started.

The injured were attended to and then released from the hospital