Kisii Woman Representative, Dorice Donya, has expressed concern over the increase in incest cases in the region. She described it as tragic that young girls cannot feel safe around their own family members and relatives.

Donya emphasized the need for effective supervision, stating that without it, many girls would continue to suffer abuse and be left with long-term emotional and physical scars.

Dorice Donya, the Kisii Woman Representative, emphasized the need for increased surveillance of children during school holidays to prevent indecency. She urged parents to be more vigilant and warned that failure to do so would lead to poor outcomes for their children.

Donya also urged Kisii residents to increase their vigilance and cautioned chiefs, their assistants, and Nyumba Kumi officials not to relax their vigilance, especially in the face of an increase in teenage pregnancies.

Incest can cause significant harm to the family unit and can lead to long-lasting effects on the individuals involved. Victims may struggle with shame, guilt, and confusion about their relationship with their family members. They may also have difficulty establishing healthy relationships with others and may experience trust issues and feelings of isolation.

Incest often goes unreported due to the fear of stigma and social repercussions, which can lead to the normalization of the practice within certain family structures. The secrecy surrounding incest can create a cycle of abuse, as victims may feel trapped and unable to seek help or speak out against their abusers.

In some cases, incest can result in unwanted pregnancies and genetic disorders. Children born from incestuous relationships may have an increased risk of birth defects, developmental disabilities, and genetic disorders.

Efforts to prevent and address incest involve educating individuals about healthy relationships, promoting open communication within families, and providing support and resources for victims of abuse. Mental health professionals may also work with victims to help them heal from the trauma of incest and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Overall, incest is a harmful and illegal practice that can have serious physical, emotional, and psychological consequences for all individuals involved. It is important to raise awareness about the devastating effects of incest and to provide support and resources for victims to break the cycle of abuse and begin the healing process.