Akothee, a newlywed singer and all-around performer just appointed the Homa Bay County Brand Ambassador, is slated to spearhead The Roan Antelope 2023 half marathon on t,oday which will run through Saturday at Ruma National Park.

The marathon, which has drawn some of Kenya's most renowned marathon names, will see Akothee lead the star-studded pack of runners as they compete for the coveted Ksh.1.25 million cash prize.

The one-of-a-kind marathon will begin at the Nyangot Gate and wind through the park's twisting pathways, eventually ending at the exact location.

Aside from putting on a fantastic athletic event, marathoners and organizers hope to earn funds for the conservation of the endangered Roan Antelope.

Akothee and her colleagues hit the Homa Bay streets in full force to raise awareness for the event, driving through densely-packed streets to a resounding greeting from furious county residents.


Crowds thronged, danced, and seethed as she waved to supporters atop her automobile, bringing the town's operations to a halt as the pandemonium climaxed.

At one point, the newly-christened Mrs Schweizer 'Omosh' was denied entry into a nearby store while attempting to purchase food for the assembled masses.

"At this point, the crowd activity had gotten out of hand, and the supermarket managers were forced to close it down until things calmed down." "We simply couldn't get into the store," Akothee explained to Citizen Digital.

After the uproar subsided, Akothee was spotted going down the streets, flanked by her heavily armed security detail. Sandra Dacha, a local actress, was also there to support her.

In other photos she posted online, the 'Sweet Love' singer can be seen getting ready for the day's sporting activities, including a fake run down a new asphalt road.

Akothee's post-wedding schedule appears to have become even busier as she adjusts to being a wife while juggling several government visits and engagements.