President William Ruto has hit Raila Odinga's anti-government demonstrations during the launch of the inaugural annual report on the administration of justice 2021/2022 in Nairobi.

This was when he was calling out Law Society of Kenya President Eric Theuri, who took him to court over the appointment of Principal secretaries.

“I am pleased to see my friend Eric Theuri who took me to court when I made some appointments, I am happy he is not threatening to organise some demonstrations because he did not win the case," he said.

Further, he said that there is no problem taking the government to court.

"If I lose, I have no problem. I move on to next. It means I was wrong. Nobody is an angel all of us can be wrong or right," he said.

Azimio Leader Raila Odinga announced the start of a series of consultations on the state of the nation following the petition to oust four commissioners from December 7.

"We want to ask Kenyans if they are happy with the way things are happening," he said.

The Azimio leader said the first rally will be held at Kamukunji Grounds, Nairobi, and the second will be held at the same venue on December 12.

Ruto said his administration will not block the Azimio leader from going to the streets, so long as the demonstrations do not morph into the destruction of property.