Six police officers from the Konoin police station in Bomet County are being treated at the Kericho County referral hospital following an attack on a tea farm in Bomet on Sunday evening by illegal tea pluckers.

Two of the injured cops, according to Bomet County police commander Mathews Mangira, are in critical condition with various injuries on their bodies.

During the event, another officer who attempted to walk back to the station got lost at Itare River.

According to Mangira, the officers were on their normal patrol within the tea estate when they encountered more than 100 armed youngsters wielding primitive weapons. They intended to pass through a private tea farm owned by Finlays.

"Our officers were repulsed by the stone-throwing youths who overpowered them before they set ablaze their land cruiser," he claimed.

A team of DCI officers has been despatched to look for missing suspects.

The van was hauled to the Mara Mara police station.