During Wednesday's National Prayer Breakfast at the Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi, Second Lady Dorcas Rigathi emphasized the importance of reconciliation and forgiveness to the nation's development.

Pastor Rigathi, citing a biblical account in which Babylonians are reported to have built a huge metropolis and a tower with its pinnacle in the heavens, stated that while their motives may not have been pure, Kenyans may learn from the power of togetherness from the Babylonians.

"There is nothing better than being united." According to Genesis 11:6, these people erected a tower, were united, talked in one language and accent, and caused God to come down from heaven. Nothing would be impossible for them if they did it for the right reasons."

PHOTO | COURTESY Dorcas Rigathi

"Let us learn to speak in one language, with one accent, and with one accord, so that the vulnerable in this country can begin to experience God's grace through us," she continued.

Regarding forgiveness, Rigathi stated that God will not forgive Kenyans unless they practice forgiveness among themselves.

"We want reconciliation because this country belongs to us, and our God has told us that if we don't forgive one another, the Father in heaven will not forgive us." "Let us practice forgiving one another," she remarked.

The Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, headed by President William Ruto, drew First Lady Rachael Ruto, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, and other government leaders.

azimio la Umoja leader raila odinga and the opposition have shied away from the breakfast prayer meeting, terming the event dishonouring God.

NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST-2023 pic.twitter.com/Gm5ksxpuRS