A journalist was compelled to leave an event on Thursday, head home quickly, and change clothing after drawing the ire of President Ruto's mother, Sarah Cheruiyot, with her attire.

When Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii distributed title deeds to local farmers, Zipporah Achieng, a camerawoman for one of the local stations, unwittingly made headlines.

Achieng was surprised to see the First Mother get up, approach her, and put a "Maasai shuka" around her waist in front of everyone there.

"Mama Sarah attended the event, sat down, didn't even stand during the national anthem or the prayers, but she got up and walked right up to me. I was shocked that my parents had taught me to respect older people, said Achieng.

"I felt I should go home and change into something else after she gave me a warm hug and the Masaai shuka."

Mama Sarah went up to the podium after the incident and explained what had transpired and why she had done it.

I thought, "If my daughter's camera falls and she leans over to pick it up, there won't be anything covering her. Because of this, I got up from my chair and went to cover her with my shuka," the president's mother stated.

"We learned that a woman should never leave the house without a leso... You might come across a pregnant woman who is ready to give birth and find yourself unable to assist her.

Mama Sara, who found the whole thing amusing, reportedly advised the journalist to view it positively and not feel like she was being singled out.

Don't say the grandmother came to upset me, my daughter; I was blessing you, she added.

Achieng did interpret the situation favourably, claiming that Mama Sarah is similar to her grandma.

The young journalist continued, "I took that favourably because she is practically my grandmother's age and the fact that she did what she did shows she was concerned.

After changing clothing, Zipporah Achieng laughs with President Ruto's mother and Uasin Gishu Governor Bii.

Achieng walked straight to Ruto's mother's seat after changing out of her grey, sparkly dress and into a blue, business-like suit. She shook her hand and apologized to the granny, who was thrilled that she had taken her advice.

Achieng laughs and continues, "She said I looked good when I changed.

She nodded and said, "You're a good girl," before taking my phone number. I hope she'll be my mentor.