Haki Africa has announced its intention to take Trade CS Moses Kuria to court over his comments concerning the Nation Media Group.

Executive director Hussein Khalid said in an interview with TV47 that they will be taking their grievances to court the following week.

“We have already begun the process of going to court, and we have lawyers looking into this matter,” Khalid stated on Wednesday.

Regarding his remarks on Nation Media Group, Haki Africa has vowed to sue Trade CS Moses Kuria in court.

Executive director Hussein Khalid said in an interview with TV47 that they will be taking their grievances to court the following week.

“A State officer shall behave, whether in public and official life, in private life, or in association with other persons, in a manner that avoids any conflict between personal interests and public or official duties, compromises any public or official interest in favor of a personal interest, or demeans the office the officer holds,” says the Kenya Law Reform Commission in a statement.

Regarding his remarks on Nation Media Group, Haki Africa has vowed to sue Trade CS Moses Kuria in court.

Executive director Hussein Khalid said in an interview with TV47 that they will be taking their grievances to court the following week.