The happy couple who exchanged vows in front of the Head of State on Friday during the introduction of government digital services is unquestionably the luckiest newlyweds in town.

The online marriage services provided by the Office of the Attorney General were on display when President William Ruto made his final stop on his tour of the different government services on display at the Kenyatta International Convention Center (KICC).

Mr Justin Muturi, the Deputy Registrar of the Attorney General's office, oversaw the civil marriage ceremony on behalf of Loice.

The groom, Nicholas, and his bride, Ms Judith, attended the wedding. Mr Benson and Ms Cecilia served as the two witnesses, and of course, the entire country watched the ceremony live on television.

The couple submitted an online application around two months ago, and they were guided through the wedding procedure before being asked to take their vows.

"You are present as we officially register your marriage... Does anyone want to object to this marriage before we continue? You will remain silent for the rest of your life if you don't, Ms Loice said.

The registrar guided them through the process by explaining the bonds that would bind them for the rest of their lives because no one could object to the marriage.

"You get married to each other legally. This marriage cannot be ended throughout your life without a court order for divorce. If either of you gets married again while this one is still going strong, you are both guilty of the criminal offence of polygamy, which has a stiff penalty. One husband and one wife, then.

The Chief Guest, President Ruto, and other government representatives were beaming as they observed the activities.

The groom promised his wife as he gave her a ring, "I call upon all persons here present to witness that I, Nicholas do take you Judith to be my lawful wedded wife."

The bride made her vows, saying, "I take you Nichola to be my lawfully wedded wife. I call upon all persons here present to witness."

After the registrar declared the two husband and wife under the Marriage Act, they kissed and concluded the ceremony by signing the contract.

The President was asked to congratulate the couple, and they were immediately issued their marriage certificate. That marked the end of their marriage.

The President declared that the two would get government sponsorship for a four-night honeymoon at the Leopard Beach Resort in Diani.

Additionally, a limousine will pick up and drop off the two at the resort. The visitors gave the newlyweds a variety of gifts.