Raila Odinga, the head of the Azimio movement, has designated July 7th as a day of protest to demonstrate opposition to President William Ruto's recently proposed tax proposals.

On Sunday, at the homecoming ceremony for the newly elected head of the Luo Council of Elders in Kisumu, Odinga urged Kenyans to turn out in huge numbers on Friday to protest what he called the executive's seizure of parliament.


The Finance Act of 2023, according to Azimio officials, is oppressive and would only harm Kenyans by raising the cost of living.

He said that All the members of parliament who voted for the bill have been compromised; they no longer listen to what the mwananchi has to say; they are dancing to President Ruto's tune. The government appears to want to force these taxes on kenyans.

Nyando legislator Jared Okello, for his part, chastised Kenya Kwanza leaders for criticizing the courts in response to Friday's court judgment prohibiting implementing the new finance law.

PHOTO | COURTESY Azimio leaders

"Just as Baba respected the court decision when they ruled against us in the presidential petition, we want to ask them to respect courts and let courts do their work; we will not allow anyone to meddle with court decisions in this country," Okello added.

Despite a court ruling on Friday, the energy regulating organization EPRA implemented new fuel prices the same night, a move condemned by opposition leaders as contempt of court.