According to the Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2022, women in Nairobi have the lowest fertility rate at 2.6 per cent.

Nyamira and Machakos closely followed the County at 2.7 and 2.8 children, respectively.

Further, the research indicated that the total fertility rate of women in Kenya has declined to an average of 3.4 children.

“This marks a significant decrease from the 2014 figure of 3.9 children per woman. Women in Nairobi City have the lowest average number of children as the total fertility rate among Kenyan women declines,” the report stated.

A low fertility rate of 2.8, 2.9, and 2.9 children per woman was also noted in Kirinyaga, Mombasa, and Kiambu, respectively.

The greatest fertility rates were seen in the counties of Mandera (7.7), West Pokot (6.9), Wajir (6.8), and Marsabit (6.3).

Women in urban regions would have 2.8 children by the end of their childbearing years, compared to an average of 3.9 children for women in rural areas.

According to the report, the fertility rate decreases as the education level rises; women with no education would have 6.3 children, while those with more than a secondary degree would have 2.8.

“TFR declines with increase in wealth quintile, from 5.3 children for women in the lowest wealth quintile to 2.7 children for women in the highest wealth quintile,” the survey further indicates.

Regarding the desire for another child, the survey showed that more married men want another child.
Irrespective of the number of children one has, a higher percentage of currently married men compared to women desire another child