Gladys Boss Shollei, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, has chastised those accusing Majority Whip Sylvanus Osoro of 'bribing' Azimio la Umoja coalition MPs to refrain from voting on the disputed Finance Bill 2023.

This comes after Osoro was caught on camera confessing to having used unethical techniques, including bribery, to encourage several Azimio MPs to avoid the parliamentary session on the day of voting and afterwards claiming to have been misquoted.

PHOTO | COURTESY Gladys Boss Shollei

During a UDA recruitment drive in Kitutu Chache South Constituency, osoro admitted that he had to look for ways by hook or crook to pass the finance bill. He had to manipulate systems and find ways to get the opposition MPs to play to their tune. He adds that he conspired with some opposition MPs and got some of them absent from the House so that he could get the numbers and that Some of them were sponsored to go abroad while others were bribed to fake illness.

 According to Shollei, if the charges are accurate, the guilt should be placed on the Azimio MPs who took the soup rather than Osoro.


"You're upset because Osoro served soup to your members of parliament, you should be castigating your MPs for accepting the soup," said Shollei 

Shollei said those MPs supposedly sponsored to travel abroad should have declined the invitation and stayed behind to assist their colleagues opposing the bill.

She even mentioned that she was supposed to attend a meeting in another country but had to cancel her trip to vote.

As a result, the legislator remarked that the allegedly pressured MPs had the freedom to make a personal choice, and they took the bait.

On his part, Osoro stated that he would utilize whatever technique to ensure the bill's successful passage and that he had even written to the clerk to prevent any Kenya Kwanza MP from travelling outside the country to retain majority representation during the voting process.