President William Ruto has stated that the country will not be held at ransom with opposition-led demonstrations.

The head of state noted that the opposition aims to sabotage the country’s economy.

The president argued that the anti-government protests that have led to the loss of lives and destruction of property had nothing to do with the high cost of living.

“How can loss of lives and destruction of property reduce the cost of living? We will not allow the Opposition to hold our country at ransom as they engage in anarchy to pursue their selfish interests,” he said.

Ruto pointed out that Raila Odinga, the leader of the opposition, had angered past administrations by pursuing his interests.

The head of state declared that he would not consider anything, including a handshake.

The Government will deal with economic saboteurs decisively; the President made plain.

After launching the Chogoria Water supply project on Thursday, he delivered the remarks at Mutindwa Grounds in Chogoria, Tharaka Nithi County.

More than 10,000 people received title deeds from the President in Ciampiu, Mwingi North, Kitui County earlier.

He lamented that the opposition had turned to funding unemployed teenagers to spread chaos under the guise of picketing.

He claimed that the loss of life and the devastation of property had hurt many Kenyans.

“We are not going to change Kenya by planning violence and protests. We will change Kenya by having a plan.” he said.