Raila Odinga, the leader of the Azimio Coalition, has declared that protests will take place on July 19th. According to Odinga, if the government issues a permit or not, the demonstrations will go on.

Regardless of how the administration feels, nationwide protests will occur on Wednesday next week, stated Raila. DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa echoed him when he declared they would keep marching.

"There is no turning around or going back. On Wednesday, we'll see you, he said. He urged Kenyans to keep adding their signatures to the online and offline petition against President William Ruto's administration.

The Coalition has also declared that they will observe a five-day holiday to remember the people who died during the protests on Wednesday.

Wamalwa stated, "We have decided to observe five days of mourning and solidarity with the victims and their families during which we will do everything within our power to mobilize support to help lessen the burden on the families of victims."

According to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, at least nine individuals were killed during the anti-government demonstrations.

As opposed to the one death each from Kitengela, Emali, Sondu, and Migori, the KNCHR claimed four fatalities in Mlolongo.