The proceedings resumed at Milimani High Court in Nairobi during the trial of former Migori Governor Okoth Obado, his personal aide Michael Oyamo, and Caspal Obiero for the 2018 gruesome murder of Sharon Otieno and her unborn child.

A prosecution witness provided a compelling account in court, narrating how a journalist managed to escape from individuals who allegedly kidnapped him. Fearing for his safety, the journalist sought refuge at his home after the harrowing ordeal.

Before High Court Judge Cecelia Githua, Kennedy Onyango Kasera, a taxi driver, gave his testimony stating that on September 3, 2018, at 20:30 hours, he was with his family when he observed an intruder entering his home.

"I heard somebody screaming… then I asked my son to open the door and we saw someone entering my house and he went straight to my bedroom…he was breathing fast…my son was afraid," testified Kasera.

According to Kasera's account, the journalist informed him that he had been kidnapped along with another lady.

"I asked him who he was and he identified himself as Barrack, and that he's a media practitioner and said that he was kidnapped together with another lady and he managed to escape. He however did not tell me the persons who allegedly kidnapped him," he told the court.

According to Kasera's testimony, the journalist revealed that the lady had been impregnated by a governor, and they were meeting with the governor's Personal Assistant (PA) during their kidnapping.