President William Ruto has asked the opposition to stop abusing the country’s democracy through disruptive demonstrations.

Speaking in Kericho Town on Wednesday, he said it was wrong for the Opposition to continue with chaotic demonstrations that have led to the loss of lives and destruction of property in the pretext that ‘it was their democratic right’.

Ruto said the government will not allow a few individuals to disrupt peaceful co-existence among Kenyans to achieve their selfish ends.

“We will protect our democracy from those engaging in anarchy and disruptive demonstrations to achieve their selfish interests,” said President Ruto.

He claimed that Kenya was a democratic nation where people's lives and property mattered and that nobody would be permitted to disturb the peace and stability of the populace.

President Ruto urged all Kenyans to uphold the law, stressing that the Constitution was the nation's guiding document.

He requested that police take severe action against troublemakers who damage other people's property.

“Police have firm instructions to take action against those who destroy other people’s property,” said President Ruto.

He also said that the August 2022 General Election was over, saying Kenyans decided on the country’s leadership, which must be respected.

“If some people have some concerns that they want addressed, they should present them through the right processes instead of engaging in disruptive demonstrations, which end up in loss of lives and destruction of property,” said President Ruto.