Five people are nursing injuries at the Mama Lucy Hospital in Nairobi after a police officer opened fire at the Dandora Total Rilaway Cross.

According to witnesses, minimal activity occurred when the officer began shooting.

However, Kamukunji sub-county police commander Francis Kamau said the police were on patrol and noticed a robbery in progress when they challenged three robbers.

He asserted that the purported robbers pulled a gun and fired at the officer.

Four phones were found, according to the police, and one of them was successfully recognised by a victim who had provided a statement to the police in Dandora.

According to the local OCPD, there has been a long history of phone theft at gunpoint in the region, and police have been hunting down the thieves for a considerable amount of time.

Passengers who were waiting to board the matatus were among those hurt.

However, locals voiced their worries that the policeman might have shot innocent Kenyans. They assert that he earlier shot a toddler in Huruma and demand that the victims receive justice.

Meanwhile, the OCPD has said one suspect is under police watch at the Mama Lucy Hospital, nursing a gunshot wound on the head.