Police officers have launched a manhunt for the Nancy Kigunzu who is allegedly the true, "Mathe Wa Ngara". Accordibg to reports, Nancy was listed as a notorious drug dealer in 2018 by NIS.

Teresa Wanjiru has spent the last five days in police custody at Muthaiga police station for allegations of being "Mathe Wa Ngara". Recent revelations indicate that Nancy Kigunzu is the true "Mathe wa Ngara." According to NTV Investigations Unit, Nancy Kigunzu made contact with Teresia Wanjiru via a phone call arranged with the help of a police officer.


In the course of this phone conversation, the audacious Nancy Kigunzu issued an apology to Teresia Wanjiru for the misunderstanding. The 54-year-old mother of three was surprised by Nancy's confident manner during this unforeseen phone call.

DCI agents apprehended Teresia Wanjiru last week in a rumoured drug cartel operation. In the extensive raid, drugs and Sh13 million were found.

Teresia is set to appear before the court on Monday as it is alleged that are hatching a plan to incriminate Teresia in the trade.