The Nandi County Government has set aside Kes 10 million to handle the adverse effects of anticipated El Nino rains from October to January 2024.

Nandi County Government Secretary Dr. Francis Sang revealed that the National Meteorological Department's warning that El Nino will intensify through the month of October informed the county’s swift funds allocation move.

Dr. Sang said emergency divers had been trained to handle cases of drowning in expected swollen rivers and streams, water filled quarries and mines.

Further, he noted that the county in collaboration with NGAO they have identified schools prone to thunder to be installed with lightning arrestors and also mitigating potential crises by ensuring safe makeshift bridges in case they are swept bridges.

He promised that tents, foodstuffs and other relevant safety kits will be available when needed any time in case of emergency.

To ensure timely sharing of information the team pleaded with the public to use toll free 1548 number to share any emergency case as result of El Nino disaster.

All government and private hospitals, ambulances and other two vehicles have been identified to provide emergency services when needed according to Sang.

This comes at a time when a high alert landslide warning has been issued to residents of Tinderet in Nandi County following continued heavy El Nino rains experienced in the county.

Nandi County Commissioner Caroline Nzwili Mueni told the County Disaster Preparedness meeting that National Government Administration Officers and County Government Administrative Officers have started moving residents in some parts of Tinderet to safer grounds.

Nzwili said that chiefs and the village elders have been asked to move out people from areas perceived extremely prone to landslides.

Landslides, flush floods along rivers Kipkaren and Chepkiit waterfall were identified as major hazardous effects of the Elnino rains. Mudslides, lightening extreme winds and water fill up of mine and quarry also featured as areas of urgent attention.

The County Commissioner promised that the County Disaster Preparedness committee was prepared to handle unforeseen destruction from the continued heavy rains.

“Our next meeting will be on September 28. We have agreed to share this information with the public through local and national media and also during our regular barazas so that residents take necessary safety measures,” Commissioner Nzwili said.