Opposition leader Raila Odinga has announced that he will not retire from active politics soon.

Speaking at his sister-in-law's home, Tabu Osewe in Bondo constituency, Odinga stated that nobody should decide for him when to quit politics.

He stated that he knows the direction to his home and will one day return to Bondo only when he deems fit and not through pressure from anybody.

Odinga claimed that the march towards the country's emancipation was still in progress and that he could not abandon it.

The ODM leader reassured his followers that although the road had been arduous and drawn out, there was light at the end of the tunnel, and they would soon reach their intended destination.

In order to facilitate the continuing bipartisan meetings' smooth operation, he made it clear that he had remained mute. He explained that he had made the decision to give the bipartisan team enough time to complete their discussions without interruption.

Odinga said he will provide guidance after the bipartisan negotiations are through, and that they will determine whether to go back to the streets or not based on the results of the conversation.