Renson Ingonga has been sworn in as the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) at State House, Nairobi to serve an eight-year term period.

Ingonga replaces Noordin Haji, who left the ODPP after President William Ruto picked him as the new National Intelligence Service Director General.

Ruto picked Ingonga from a list of 15 individuals interviewed for the position by the Public Service Commission.

The Justice and Legal Affairs Committee gave Ingonga a clean bill of health report that Chairperson George Murugara tabled following his vetting on August 31st.

Murugara told MPs that Ingonga was well suited to take the helm as the next Director of Public Prosecution as he meets the requirements required for the post, including ethics, integrity, and protection of the law

“We wish to confirm to this house that nobody, no single memorandum was received in opposition. Infact we got memorandum in support of his appointment by the Law Society of Kenya. Having considered everything submitted to us, we have the report supporting his approval,” Tharaka MP said.

On his part, JLAC Vice Chair Mwengi Mutuse termed the nomination and approval as a booster to the morale of public sector professionals, as Mulele is currently serving as the Deputy Director of Public Prosecution.

“This appointment is a morale to the public sector professional because when the appointments of this nature occur people are poached from outside the public sector which demoralizes those who have devoted working for the public sector,” said Mutuse