According to a new report by Politrack Africa, Westlands Member of Parliament Timothy Wanyonyi leads as the best-performing MP with a rating of 82.6 percent.

In a poll released on Friday, Wanyonyi is leading because of the infrastructural development of learning institutions, procurement of school buses, and free and fair issuance of bursaries to students.

 Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, Mavoko MP Patrick Makau followed Wanyonyi, and a tie between Embakasi MP Babu Owino and Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa with 78.6 percent, 78.5 percent and 78.3 percent, respectively.

“New School Bus and construction of New Classrooms at Kangemi primary school, Construction of Farasi Lane Secondary School chemistry and physics laboratories as well as the renovation of head teacher’s house at Lower Kabete Primary among others,” read part of the report.

“Procurement of school buses for Kihumbuini and New Kihumbuini primary schools in Kangemi, Donation of motorbikes to Boda-boda Sacco’s through the Boda-boda Economic Empowerment Program.”

Ndindi Nyoro came second in the performance list because of the Kiharu Masomo Program that reduced school fees to Kes 1,000 per term for all Kiharu Day Secondary Schools.

Also, construction and rehabilitation of roads and bridges in the area and financing of schools’ infrastructural projects in the constituency.

“Some of the project mentioned is renovation and tilling of all public primary schools in the constituency and establishment and construction of new secondary schools,” read the report.

Ronald Karauri, the MP for Kasarani in Nairobi, comes in last on the list of performances with 50.6%, followed by Maisori Kitayama, the MP for Kuria East in Migori, who received 51.6%, and Patrick Munene, the MP for Chuka Igambang'ombe in Tharaka Nithi Ntigwa, who received 52.0%.

The sample size for the report releases was 21,169 participants, representing all 290 constituencies.

The margin of error at the 95% confidence level for the telephone-based household interviews was 1.345%.