Strong winds have left more than 40 families were left homeless in two days after their houses were destroyed in Teso.

This follows the heavy rains experienced in the country that have seen families from Syekunya, Manyole, Busidimbu, and Lwanyange villages in the Nambale sub-county lose property of unknown value.

Leah Achuma, one of the affected residents, said that the weekend disaster had made life unbearable for most affected families as they are now fearing for the impending danger of disease outbreak if faster intervention measures are not put in place.

“We have been reduced back to square 1 with this disaster that occurred here. My houses and all properties have been destroyed,” said Achuma.

On his part, Nambale Township MCA Kenneth Rupia has called upon the national and County government disaster committees to swiftly move with speed and intervene in the situation.

“Most of these families have children who are going to sit the national examinations this month. I appeal to the Government to act swiftly so that normalcy can be restored,”Rupia said.

“The families have lost their household items and grains were destroyed, leaving them with nothing to feed on.”

The families remain hopeful that disaster committees and humanitarian organizations will visit the area and offer a solution.