During an interview with Citizen TV on Tuesday, Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina defended president Ruto's foreign trips, despite being one of his best known critics. Ledama held the view that he has no problem with the president traveling since all the trips have been budgeted for, but added that he only supports the visits that will ultimately benefit the people of Kenya.

"I think the best thing for the president is to think through before a budget is passed, and some if the travels are necessary. The fact is that some of those trips are necessary to form relations. Today we are talking about King Charles III visit."

"Some of the travels bring opportunities and in most cases it is better to discuss issues face to face, of course, I do not support unnecessary travels that do not contribute to this economy, but sometimes traveling across the country allows one to learn different things, which when implemented can move the country forward."

Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina, a bold critic of President William Ruto, has come to his defense amid growing criticism over his foreign trips at a time when Kenyans are complaining about the high cost of living.