In Mumias West, there was drama when MP Salasya's microphone was snatched mid-speech.

A screen grab from a video shows Mumias East MP Peter Salasya being thrown off the platform during a brawl at the Bukaya Catholic church in Mumias West, Kakamega County on November 12, 2023, by an unidentified guy believed to be a supporter of Kakamega governor.

As Mumias East MP Peter Salasya engaged in a physical altercation with a guy who appeared to be a fan of Kakamega governor Fernandes Baraza, Sunday services at the Bukaya Catholic church in Mumias West, Kakamega County came to an abrupt halt.

The legislator from Mumias East was speaking about reforms in the sugar industry and the rebirth of Mumias Sugar Company when an unidentified individual came out of the crowd and grabbed the MP's microphone. This is when the tension began.
There was a fistfight until the police intervened to bring peace back so that the church Harambee could go forward as scheduled.