President William Ruto has been urged by Kalonzo Musyoka, the leader of the Wiper party, to fulfill his campaign promise of reducing the price of Unga to Ksh 100. Kalonzo Musyoka is confident that the President is aware of the hardships caused by the high cost of living.

President Ruto has been informed by Kalonzo Musyoka, the leader of the Wiper party, that both the hustlers and other supporters who backed him are facing challenges. Kalonzo believes that subsidies are the only solution to alleviate the high cost of living, suggesting that fertilizer alone is insufficient to aid Kenyans.

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and other officials from Azimio have accused the president of resorting to propaganda instead of addressing the reality of the high cost of living. According to Kalonzo, it is clear that the price of Unga has not been reduced to the required level. This is why opposition leaders intend to maintain pressure on the government to take action.

Kalonzo Musyoka, the leader of the Wiper party, has emphasized the potential consequences of opposition leaders remaining silent against the government. He acknowledges that his influence on the government has played a role in reducing the prices of certain food items.

Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that President William Ruto's decisive actions have notably decreased the cost of living in the nation. While opposition leaders have focused on criticizing the high cost of living, they have failed to present any counterarguments to President William Ruto's initiatives.