Thika Town's MP, Hon. Alice Ng'ang'a, has announced her bid for the Kiambu County gubernatorial seat, currently held by Governor Kimani Wamatangi. Wamatangi, in his first term since his election in 2022, faces a challenge from Ng'ang'a, a member of the United Democratic Alliance. Ng'ang'a is actively strategizing to overcome any obstacles in her path to clinch the gubernatorial position.

In her latest move, she has initiated efforts to partition the expansive Kiambu County prior to the 2027 General Elections. Yet, this endeavor has stirred controversy, bringing scrutiny upon her previous political maneuvers. The outspoken MP advocates for equitable representation, asserting that it's high time Kiambu East also sees its own governor emerge to drive development in their region. She highlights the historical dominance of Kiambu East in producing governors, senators, and even woman representatives within the county's leadership landscape.

PHOTO | COURTESY MP Alice Ng'ang'a

The constituency she hails from, Kiambu East, encompasses Thika Town, Ruiru, Juja, Gatundu North, and Gatundu South constituencies. On the other hand, Kiambu West includes Limuru, Kikuyu, Kabete, Kiambaa, Lari, Githunguri, and Kiambu Town constituencies.

The MP contends that Kiambu East has been marginalized since 2013 and advocates for the establishment of a separate county to address this neglect. However, her proposal to divide the county has faced backlash, notably from Kikuyu Constituency's MP, Hon. Kimani Ichung'wah, who deems the discussions unnecessary and diversionary.

"The Debate on counties being divided is ill-timed as it needs constitutional amendments" the member of Parliament said.

The sentiment was echoed by Kiambu Town's MP, Machua Waithaka, who refrained from commenting on the matter at present.