The highly anticipated Limuru III summit took place, with various leaders expressing their opinions against the incumbent Kenya Kwanza government. The primary organizer of the summit is Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua, with strong support from former Laikipia Governor Ndiritu Muriithi and Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni.

PHOTO | COURTESY MP Gathoni Wamuchomba

Prominent figures attending the Limuru III summit included Elder Wachira Kiago of the Agikuyu community. Former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu caused excitement by arriving at four minutes past four.

Speaking at the summit, Elder Nyamu wa Njoka expressed that the 2022 elections had caused divisions within the Mount Kenya region, leading to discord even within families.

PHOTO | COURTESY EX Kiambu governor  Ferdinand Waititu

"We have focused on being unaware and lacking a future. Let us understand that there are battles ahead for the Mount Kenya communities. Let us not be intimidated by those who do not want to see us maintain our unity," said Elder Njoka.

Meanwhile, Mr. George Maara, a politician from Kiambu, emphasized that the preeminent figure in Mount Kenya politics is retired President Uhuru Kenyatta.

"Mr. Kenyatta was given political and cultural authority to lead us. When he steps down from that position, he will return that authority to us," Mr. Mara said.

Furthermore, Limuru III has been viewed as a conference to voice dissatisfaction with the policies of the Kenya Kwanza government led by President William Ruto and express regret over not heeding Mr. Kenyatta's advice to support Mr. Raila Odinga of the Unity Agreement-One Kenya.

Participants emphasized that in 2027, they will make decisions to select a leader who genuinely prioritizes the interests of the people of the region. They warned that if the current government fails to reform, it will face defeat in the general election.

The conference drew three Members of Parliament: Mark Mwenje, who represents Embakasi West (Jubilee); Amos Mwago, representing Starehe (Jubilee); and Gathoni wa Muchomba, who represents Githunguri.