Ndenderu MCA David Mwaura was hospitalized after an attack by opponents of the one-man, one-vote, one-shilling revenue allocation formula. The clash took place during the launch of Kiambaa Technical Training, where Mwaura was expelled prior to Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah's speech.

Ndenderu Member of the County Assembly (MCA) David Mwaura has been hospitalized after sustaining head and rib injuries during a clash over the resource-sharing formula. Mwaura claimed he was knocked to the ground, kicked, and trampled by the crowd.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has been a prominent advocate for the controversial formula, facing criticism from some leaders within the Mt. Kenya region.

Mwaura was swiftly taken to a hospital in Ruaka after being assaulted by individuals opposing the one-man, one-vote, one-shilling revenue allocation system.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has been a staunch supporter of the formula, despite facing criticism from leaders in his Mt. Kenya stronghold.

The MCA was ejected from the meeting convened to inaugurate Kiambaa Technical Training before Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah could address the attendees.

Accompanied by a group of Kiambu leaders who opposed the formula, the Majority Leader found himself in a charged atmosphere that some have labeled as tribalistic.

Videos circulated online show the county lawmaker attempting to navigate through a fervent crowd as other leaders observe.

Amid cheers from the crowd, the MCA sustained head and rib injuries during the altercation, allegedly over his differing opinions, while 11 MPs from Kiambu looked on.

Mwaura disclosed that he was knocked to the ground, where rowdy youths purportedly trampled on him.

"I've been hit in the ribs and also on the head. I was knocked to the ground, kicked in the legs, and trampled while I was down," he said.