The senate is beginning a two-day session to either uphold or reverse the impeachment of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza. This governor is facing impeachment for the third time now.

It's time before we know Governor Mwangaza's third fate.

Governor Kawira Mwangaza will appear before the Senate tomorrow, where she will have the opportunity to defend herself against the allegations brought against her.

Following her defense, the Senate will vote whether to uphold or dismiss the impeachment.

Last Wednesday, during a special session held during recess, senators decided to hear the impeachment motion in plenary, rejecting a proposal to form a special committee of 11 senators to investigate the matter.

Senate Speaker Amason Kingi announced that after the decision was made, all 67 senators had received the necessary documents by Sunday evening.

"I would like to inform the Senate that I have received a message from the Speaker of Meru County Assembly informing me of the passage of a motion for the removal of Governor Kawira Mwangaza by way of impeachment, necessitating this house to look into the matter," Kingi said.