Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has been reinstated to her position after the High Court issued a ruling that suspended her impeachment. This decision temporarily halts the ongoing attempts to remove her from office, allowing her to resume her duties as the county’s chief executive.

A removal from office was a possibility for Governor Mwangaza due to allegations of grave misbehavior and power abuse. He has categorically denied all accusations, claiming that they are purely political.

There are differing opinions among the people in Meru County and around Kenya over her return to government. This is due to the fact that she has generated a great deal of controversy over her lengthy tenure in office

The High Court's ruling to postpone the impeachment procedure is a welcome development for Governor Mwangaza and her supporters. The court stated in its ruling that there appeared to be certain procedural issues with the impeachment process, which could undermine the notion of just government action.

The judge emphasized the value of due process and a fair trial, stating that further investigation was necessary into the issues raised against the governor before taking drastic measures, such as impeachment.

Since she was elected as an independent in 2022, it has been hard for her to get along with the County Assembly, which is mostly made up of people from the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) and other political groups.

Whenever she has tried to assert her power, it has often led to arguments. The impeachment motions are the most important example of this ongoing conflict.