In a recent appearance on Obinna Live, Hon. David Sankok, MP at the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA)  made a statement regarding the motivations behind political careers. Sankok claimed that politicians often enter politics not in pursuit of additional wealth, but to safeguard their existing assets.

Comparing the earnings of top executives in major Kenyan corporations, such as those at Safaricom, with the salaries of politicians, Sankok highlighted a stark contrast. He pointed out that while high-ranking managers in the private sector receive substantial salaries, politicians typically earn less. However, he argued that politicians frequently invest significant amounts in initiatives and experiences aimed at benefiting their constituents—expenses not commonly incurred by corporate executives.

Sankok further emphasized that once individuals enter politics, they often become ineligible for other employment opportunities, regardless of their prior career achievements. This, he suggested, underscores the notion that many enter the political arena primarily to protect their wealth and status rather than to amass additional income.