On Wednesday, Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina said that the Kenyan economy will collapse if political issues are not addressed.

In a tweet, the ODM legislator said that failed promises will no longer be of use as it will be too late.

The second-term senator had earlier declared that the Raila Odinga-led opposition party would soon resume its protests.

Ledama said the bipartisan Kenya Kwanza team has not taken the negotiations seriously.

"The lack of seriousness of the bipartisan deliberation on the KK part is the straw that broke the camel's back! We are back to the people," Ledama tweeted.

Last week, Raila issued a warning, saying they would have to return to protests if President William Ruto did not take them seriously.

He claimed they are focused on the truce's conclusion, and they won't be influenced.