Former presidential candidate Honorable Jimmy Wanjigi has made a bold assertion that Ruto will fail in his attempt to collect Kshs 2.9 trillion in taxes.

Speaking at amLive, Jimmy said the Kenya Kwanza tax target is an impossibility terming it as an unfathomable target. He added that the biggest outflow of money is going to the payment of debts.

The political atmosphere in Kenya has become increasingly intense and concerning, particularly in the wake of the nationwide anti-Ruto rallies orchestrated by the prominent opposition leader, Honorable Raila Amollo Odinga.

This statement has sparked significant reactions among Kenyans, with some staunchly supporting Wanjigi's claim and others vehemently opposing it. Given the current climate, it is of utmost importance for the Kenyan people to prioritize peace and unity across the nation. Such efforts are necessary to avert any potential outbreak of violence amidst the heightened tensions between the opposition and the ruling government at this critical juncture.

This update has generated strong reactions from Kenyans, with many fervently supporting Wanjigi's statement while others vehemently oppose it. It is now crucial for the Kenyan people to prioritize maintaining peace and unity across the country. By doing so, they can prevent the emergence of violent incidents between the opposition and the ruling government, especially during this critical period of heightened tensions.

A nation that upholds the rule of law, democracy, and transparency is more likely to see growth and prosperity across a variety of industries, which will either directly or indirectly benefit its population. Therefore, the current administration should reduce the high cost of living that many Kenyans are now forced to endure.