On Tuesday, October 24, Ababu Namwamba had the honor of presenting Leonard Mambo Mbotela with the prestigious Hongera Award.

Leonard Mambo Mbotela, an iconic Kenyan radio broadcaster, is renowned for his renowned program 'Je Huu Ni Uungwana' as well as his role in KBC as a news anchor.


CS Ababu Namwamba praised Mbotela as a true living legend, expressing that the visit was a particularly cherished blessing for him.

Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs and Sports, Ababu Namwamba, paid a visit to the esteemed broadcaster Leonard Mambo Mbotela at his residence in Nairobi. During the visit on Tuesday, October 24, Namwamba took the opportunity to inquire about the health of the renowned broadcaster.

Additionally, Namwamba honored him by presenting the Hongera Award along with a generous KSh 1 million, recognizing Mbotela's significant contributions to the nation.

In a statement posted on the ministry's official X account, the CS and the legendary broadcaster, famed for his 'Je Huu Ni Uungwana' programme, reminisced about the good old days of radio broadcasting, especially sports commentary.

CS Ababu expressed gratitude towards the broadcaster for his invaluable contribution to radio broadcasting in the country, emphasizing that his name is firmly embedded in the annals of our nation's history. He commended Mr. Mbotela for his mentorship of numerous journalists in Kenya, reserving special admiration for his guidance and mentorship.


The CS noted that the support for Mbotela is a heartfelt tribute not only to him, but to all other illustrious Kenyan broadcasters who have made an enduring impact on our nation's diverse cultural landscape.

Namwamba took the opportunity to announce that the Kenyan Premier League (KPL) will once again be featured on KBC TV and radio, ensuring free-to-air live broadcasts for all.