AFC Leopards chairman Dan Shikanda announced on Wednesday that the club’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has formed an eight-member taskforce to explore whether the club should transition from its current society model to a corporate structure.

Speaking during the launch of the club’s new partnerships, Shikanda explained that the taskforce will conduct a thorough tour of AFC Leopards’ 85 branches to gather opinions from supporters.

“We are establishing a taskforce of eight committed individuals who will visit all our branches to collect feedback from our supporters,” Shikanda said. “Their insights will be essential in determining the future direction of the club.”

Shikanda highlighted that the existing societal model has faced many challenges, leading the club to reconsider its operational approach. During the club’s 60th anniversary in March, officials emphasized the need to transform AFC Leopards into a self-sustaining and profitable organization, aligning with the evolving landscape of modern football.

“The community model has presented significant difficulties and has not achieved the desired outcomes,” he noted.

The taskforce, led by Vincent Shimoli, has been given six months to complete their consultations and present their findings to the club’s leadership. Other members of the taskforce include Alexander Muteshi, Richard Ekhalie, Nelly Mwashi, Ng’arua Kamuya, Bramwel Aino, Clarence Jumba, and Laureen Aseka.

“The taskforce will have six months to gather and analyze feedback. Once the report is finalized, we will review it and decide on the best path forward for the club,” Shikanda added.

The findings of the taskforce will be presented at the club’s next Annual General Meeting (AGM), where the National Executive Committee will discuss the recommendations and make a decision on the club’s future direction.