Hannah Mwathi, the mother of the late Jeff Mwathi, recounted the final chats and voice notes exchanged between herself and her son when he was in the company of DJ Fatxo.

Prior to Jeff's tragic passing, Hannah had cautioned him about the potential dangers of continuing to spend time with DJ Fatxo. Testifying in the inquest into her son's death, Hannah revealed that their last conversation before the incident involved her urging Jeff to  go home. However, Jeff insisted that Fatxo would be the one to drop him off.

Hannah recounted the final conversations and voice notes exchanged between herself and her late son while he was with the DJ.

During the inquest, a voice note that she had sent to Jeff warning him about the risks of being around certain individuals in Nairobi was played. In the message, she encouraged him to make the wise decision to go home alone instead of waiting for Fatxo.

Hannah emphasized that, as a parent, her intention was simply to alert her son to the potential dangers of the city, knowing all too well the myriad challenges that Nairobi presented.

She explained that she and Jeff were close friends, which is why she felt comfortable being open and honest with him. However, despite her advice for him to go home, Jeff remained insistent that DJ Fatxo would be the one to drop him off.

She told the inquest that the last time she heard from her son that night was when he called her at around 10 pm and shouted ‘Mum’ then his phone disconnected and she couldn’t reach him.

Hannah expressed her belief that Jeff may have been trying to seek help, as she lost contact with him after their last conversation.

She informed the court that Jeff had been eagerly anticipating meeting DJ Fatxo and had even mentioned to her that he had dressed up nicely for the occasion.

Additionally, Hannah adamantly asserted that Jeff was in good spirits and could not have taken his own life, contrary to allegations made by certain individuals.

“Naomba hii koti inipatie justice ya mtoto wangu,” she said