In a retaliatory attack sparked by a land dispute in West Kanyamkago, Uriri Sub-county, Migori County, angry locals killed a middle-aged woman. They set several houses on fire on Thursday night.

The deceased was the wife of Omollo Obila, one of three brothers involved in a land dispute early on Thursday morning that resulted in the death of one of the brothers, 34-year-old Obano Obila.

According to West Kanyamkago location chief Mr. John Ojwang, the woman was murdered by enraged neighbors who thought her husband had a hand in Obano Obila's demise.

According to Mr. Ojwang, police officers investigating the first murder incident that happened in the morning were overpowered by enraged locals at the home.

The area chief said that the late Obila's family has had a long-running land dispute, and attempts to resolve it have been ineffective.

While the police conduct a thorough investigation, he has called for calm and peace in the area.