A probe has been launched after a police officer stationed in Gatundu South, Kiambu County, lost his loaded AK-47 service gun.

Police Constable Benson Otenda of the Karatu Police Station was in charge of the precinct's report office on Monday night until passing it over to a colleague about 6 a.m. on Tuesday.


Otenda then retired to his room, carrying his state-issued AK-47, serial number 5524595.

"It was reported by No.124987 PC Benson Otenda that he was relieved from his place of duty today at the report office at 0605hrs and handed over to no.249946 PC Leonard Kimani," a police report documenting the incident reads in part.

"Otenda later proceeded to his house carrying his rifle AK 47 s/n. 5524595 without returning it to the armoury and placed it besides his bed and fell asleep. Upon waking up at around 1000hrs he could not find it and subsequently cannot account for the rifle with 30 rounds of ammunition."


An endeavor to retrieve the missing firearm is presently underway.

"The scene was visited by CIPU commander, SCCIO and OCS Gatundu South. The sub-county team was later joined by county security team comprising the CPC, CIPU and CCIO," the police report reads.

"A search team was dispatched as the operations continues to recover the same. The police officer placed in custody pending further action."