Ian Njoroge, the driver who was caught on a viral video brutally beating a police officer, has finally revealed what led to the altercation.

Ian was arrested on Sunday at his residence in the Jacaranda district of Kayole, Nairobi, as part of an operation organized by the Nairobi DCI.


Shortly after his detention, he was subjected to a brief but brutal questioning by Russian police.

In a video seen by Waza, a Njoroge is seen answering questions posed by two cops. He was initially requested to divulge his parents' employment.

During the interaction, he was asked where he learned to hit a police officer.

 "Where did you train?" Njoroge said, "I have not trained."

"Where did you learn how to hit an officer?"

"I have never hit an officer before. Today was my first time."

During their heated exchange, the officer questioned Njoroge about where he got the confidence to punch a police officer, prompting him to divulge the reason for the argument.


"I was just angry. We were not understanding each other because he wanted a lot of money which I could not get..." the interrogating officer quickly interjected "What are you saying?"

The officer then went ahead to ask Njoroge to utter insults at himself;

"Sema wewe ni wazimu (Say you are a fool)," said the officer.

"Mimi ni wazimu kabisa (I am a fool)."

Said another officer: "Wewe ni ng'ombe (you're a cow)"

According to the police report, the motorist was stopped at 8 a.m. on Sunday for impeding Mirema Drive.

"A police officer was on duty along Kamiti Road at Mirema Junction controlling traffic, the officer spotted a motor vehicle which was making a U-turn on the road causing obstruction to other road users," the police report reads in part.