A murder suspect is being held after being handed over to police by residents on Sunday on accusation of killing his wife in a domestic dispute in e Ndiu-ini ,Gilgil.

According to witnesses, the man and the deceased woman have been living together for the last three years, albeit with a lot of disagreements.

Moses Macharia, a neighbor and in-charge of 'Nyumba Kumi' in the area, was notified of the tragic turn of events by the suspect's immediate neighbors.

He said it was not the first time the couple had been in a nasty fight that forced neighbours to intervene.

"I know these people because I have come here before when they had fought, that time it was so bad because they had even brandished knives gainst each other," he said.

Although the circumstances surrounding the fatal end of their troubled relationship remain unknown, neighbors claim the deceased destroyed the suspect household items before setting them on fire.

"Wote walikuwa walevi mara nyingi walikuwa wanabugia pombe halafu wanakuja kupigania kwa Nyumba," Macharia added.

He was discovered by a friend of the decedent who visited them in the morning on Sunday, noticed something was wrong, and alerted the neighbours.