Police in Migori County are investigating the death of a 17-year-old boy who reportedly took his own life just hours after being prevented from selling his father's cow at a cattle market in Mawini village.

Nyamaharaga Assistant Chief Rose Ooko said the boy's body was discovered hanging from a rope in a nearby bush after being blocked from selling the cow without his father's national ID card. After being told he needed the ID to complete the sale, the boy asked the auction officials for time to retrieve the document from home but never returned. His body was later found hanging.

The assistant chief stated that it remains unclear what led the boy to take such drastic action, though there is speculation that he may have feared punishment from his father for trying to sell the cow without permission.

The boy's body has been moved to the Migori County Level Four Hospital mortuary for an autopsy, as police continue their investigation. The incident adds to growing concerns about the rising number of suicides in the area.