Officers from the Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Protection Unit have arrested a woman suspected of stealing children.

 The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said Mary Akinyi Mulamula was apprehended in the Kabete area of Nairobi after officers received a report of a missing child.

 "The child was stolen from her home in Muchingu, Mukango Sub-Location, Kakamega County, on June 6, 2024," said DCI.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line 

According to official police reports, Mulamula deceived the farmhand into thinking she was taking the child to Kakamega to register in a sponsorship program that promised a monthly stipend of Ksh.9,000.

 She later disappeared with the child, prompting a manhunt that led to her arrest. DCI says that she had two children at the time of her arrest.

 Mary Akinyi Mulamula will remain in police custody as investigators continue to build a case against her.